Phone: 662-827-2276
Degrees and Certifications:
Dr. Mario Willis
Dr. Willis has an unyielding belief that every child has the potential to achieve at high levels. He believes that hard work, consistency, high expectations, and accountability provide students with the optimal environment to experience success.
Dr. Willis has demonstrated his commitment to children and education by serving as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, and principal. Dr. Willis has worked on all educational levels in rural, suburban, and urban settings. Most recently, Dr. Willis served as Principal of Trezevant High School in Memphis, TN.
Dr. Willis was instilled with strong educational values and he has worked to develop his strong foundation in education. Mr. Willis holds a Bachelor’s and Masters from Alcorn State University. He also holds an Ed.S. and Ed. D. from Delta State University. In addition, Dr. Willis is also a 2008 (Cohort 8) graduate of New Leaders for New Schools, 2015 Relay Graduate School of Education graduate of the National Principal Academy Fellowship, and a 2016 Mississippi School Boards Association graduate of the Prospective Superintendent Leadership Academy.
I enjoy playing baseball, basketball, kayaking, and spending time with my family. I believe that because you only live life once; you should have fun and love what you are doing.
In his current role as Superintendent, Dr. Willis will serve and gladly assist in other areas as needed.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
Mahatma Ghandi